Could TPM be a place for you?
The work of the ministry is done through the volunteer efforts of many individuals from all denominations working together to provide spiritual and wellness care to seafarers, truck drivers, and port workers.

This ministry provides for the spiritual and physical care of seafarers, port workers, and truck drivers. Because of this, we have the unique position to reach the ends of the world from right here in Freeport, Texas. Luke 10:2 says, "[Jesus] told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field (NIV)."
This verse covers every aspect of our ministry in just a few words. There are thousands of men and women from around the world who come to Freeport while we do the work of this ministry with forty individuals from twenty local churches. The scripture reference can help us to remember to pray for Texas Port Ministry.
Everyday at 10:02, morning or night, we can remember to pray Luke 10:2 that the Lord of the harvest would send workers. Also pray for our staff and those volunteering, pray for the Board of Directors, and for those we minister to: the seafarers, the truck drivers, and the port workers.

Online Donations
You can now make an online donation using your credit card, checking account, or savings account. You can also sign up to be a regular monthly contributor. Regular monthly contributions are the most beneficial way of collecting donations since it ensures that we will have the needed financial resources each month. It also allows us to focus on ministry rather than fundraising.
Donations By Mail
Checks can be mailed to Texas Port Ministry at 1103 Cherry Street, Freeport, Texas 77541.
It may seem like a little thing, but clean socks are among the most needed items for both seafarers and truck drivers. Seafarers are out at sea for months and truck drivers can be on the go for days at a time. Without a way to change pairs regularly, the socks break down faster. New, dry socks are a valuable way we can care for the social and physical needs of those we serve as we help them stay warm and blister free. Donations of new socks can be dropped off at our center during our business hours or shipped to us. Whether in person or shipping, please use the following address.
Texas Port Ministry
1103 Cherry Street
Freeport, Texas 77541
Christmas Gift items
Have leftover Christmas cards? Sign your name on the inside, leave the envelope blank, and deliver them to Texas Port Ministry. Our volunteers will distribute the cards to those who visit the center during the holidays. Cash donations are also needed to help with the purchase of Bibles and other Christmas gift items to be used in reaching seafarers, truck drivers, longshoremen, and others we come in contact with in the Freeport Harbor Community. Please note "Christmas at the Port" on any donations given to help with this need.
Gift Cards
Gift Cards from Wal-Mart are always needed for Center supplies and gasoline purchases. Mail gift cards to 1103 Cherry Street, Freeport, Texas 77541.
Welcome Bags
The following items are placed in bags provided by Texas Port Ministry:
- Men's white crew length Socks
- Disposable Razors
- Family-sized bars of Soap
- Family-sized tube of Toothpaste
- Individually packaged Toothbrush
- Small package of Chewing Gum
- Safety Pins
- Pocket-sized package of Tissue
- Ball Point Pen
- Emery Boards
- Lip Balm
- Homemade Bookmark
- Homemade "Welcome to Freeport" card

Volunteer Opportunities
You and Your Group are key to furthering the message of hope and salvation. Bring your skills, your willingness to help, and your heart for people who need to meet Jesus. You are an essential asset to furthering the mission here at Texas Port Ministry. Contribute your time and talent as much as you are able.
Prayer Intercessors
– to pray for this ministry, our Board, our Staff, the Freeport Harbor Community, our center contacts and for specific prayer requests received from all.
Ship Visitors/Truck Visitors
– those volunteers that board ships/visit truck drivers in our port.
Van Drivers
– those volunteers transporting seafarers to our center and to shopping.
– those volunteers fielding calls for our services and coordinating transportation needs.
Monday Meals Partners
– those volunteers who sign up to provide a meal for port workers.
– those volunteers helping visitors to our center with services offered.
– those volunteers with experience in generating and spreading a well branded message that communicates the Texas Port Ministry's message through multi-media channels and networking.
– those volunteers who love to organize and simplify the storage of resource materials and gift bags for travelers who utilize the ministry for respite and fellowship.
To volunteer contact Bobby or Mike. Send the completed application to 1103 Cherry Street, Freeport, TX 77541.

It may seem like a little thing, but clean socks are among the most needed items for both seafarers and truck drivers. Seafarers are out at sea for months and truck drivers can be on the go for days at a time. Without a way to change pairs regularly, the socks break down faster. New, dry socks are a valuable way we can care for the social and physical needs of those we serve as we help them stay warm and blister free. Donations of new socks can be dropped off at our center during our business hours or shipped to us. Whether in person or shipping, please use the following address.
Texas Port Ministry
1103 Cherry Street
Freeport, Texas 77541
Snack items are helpful in meeting the needs of truck drivers. We do not have a truck stop in the area, so truck drivers are very limited in what food they have access to. Any prepackaged, non-perishable snacks are acceptable.
Used magazines and books are given to seafarers and truck drivers. They are especially interested in the following:
- Hunting/Fishing/Nature
- Auto Mechanics
- Texas
- Reader's Digest
- Cooking
- Christian Living
- Biographies
- Best Sellers
Plastic Canvas Cross Bookmarks
A favorite item by most visitors to Texas Port Ministry are these crosses. You can make them in any color and in any size, thought the most often donated size is 2 1/2" X 4" canvas-cross. Contact Dara for a pattern.
Welcome Bags
A bag of toiletry items is given to welcome people to the Freeport Harbor. Mission groups come to the center to help put the items together into the bag that we provide. Items listed below can be collected by individuals and/or churches and sent to the ministry center to be put into bags and delivered.
- Men's white crew-length socks
- 5 oz. bar of soap (family size)
- Disposable razor
- 6-8 oz. tube of toothpaste (family size)
- Individually wrapped/sealed toothbrush
- 10-sheet pocket packs of tissue
- 5-stick packs of chewing gum
- Handmade bookmark
- Ball Point Pen (Advertising is okay)
- Handmade Welcome Card
The following items are included and provided by your monetary donations to Texas Port Ministry:
- Men's pocket-sized comb
- Sewing Kit
- Evangelistic Tract
- Pocket New Testament or Gospel of John