In days like these, I am drawn back to Colossians 4:2-6.
I encourage you to get your Bible and read this passage in its entirity, but especially verse two:
Devote yourself to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.
This verse reminds us to pray. Not just once but in a devoted, continual kind of way. It also tells us to pray being aware of what’ going on around us. What are the circumstances we are in? Then we are once again reminded to be thankful. Not just thankful but verbally thanking God for specific things He has done. So here are just some of the things I am thankful for:
- God loves you and me.
- God has called me out to represent Him to others in word and deed.
- Texas Port Ministry and the mission opportunity that it is. TPM Team that enhances our work.
- TPM Volunteers that enables more ministry.
- Continued ministry into our 46th year.
- That the wind and waves of our present challenges offer opportunity for continued ministry.
- Those who support us in prayer and finances.
These are difficult times for us all. We are presently greatly hindered from our day to day ministry activities. I am chomping at the bit to get back to doing what God has call me to do. I hope you are too! Please pray for God to open up the way.
Thank you for praying!
Prayer Requests
- Bobby and Jackie Fuller–COVID-19. Bobby says Jackie has shown slow but steady daily improvement. God be Praised! She is still reallly weak but getting stronger everyday.
- Mike and Debbie Hayes–COVID-19 Mike has pretty well recovered, still a little draggy but better. Debbie is slowly getting better still running a low fever on and off. God is good
- Volunteers Paul and Julie Shireman–COVID-19 On the mend
- Volunteer Rich Terry–continuing prayers needed Tom and Margaret Baker’s granddaughter, Bryanne Jackson, Tom’s leukemia and family in general
- Dennis Leveron’s mother
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